Start Your Business With Zero Investment - Markaz App - Trusted Platform.

To enable every Pakistani to start an online business with zero investment.

To build a Pakistan where entrepreneurship is easy and e-commerce is accessible to the masses.

Push boundaries

We strive to be the best at everything we do and aim for the stars with humility. We never back down and strive to improve upon even the best possible outcomes.

We are fearless

We challenge the status quo and ask why

We don’t hesitate to experiment and encourage people to try, fail fast and learn

Have Bias for Action

Action is the key to removing inertia and changing outcomes. We don't shy away from making tough decisions, believe in empowering each other, and differentiate between one-way and two-way door decisions.

We think big but start small

We believe in making the wrong decisions and learning along the way rather than being indecisive

We end every meeting with concrete actions and leave no space for ambiguity

Be Curious

Curiosity is essential to problem-solving; we encourage questioning everything from a first-principles perspective to understand the depth of a problem.

Empathy Above All

We are working in a space where building trust is essential. It's important to understand the plight of our customers from their perspective to understand their core problems and present the most optimal solution.

We bring the voice of our customers into every discussion

We listen more and speak less

We prioritize patience and curiosity before our own opinions



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